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Combustion Research & Development Engineer

Technical Consultant #2599


As a combustion researcher, I develop engine and fuel technology that perform in the most demanding applications with maximal efficiency and minimal environmental impact. I design combustion strategies to meet the world’s most challenging emissions standards, and modify engine operating conditions to accommodate the use of sustainable fuels. I am a dynamic problem solver, critical thinker, and engineer with excellent skills in communicating engine and fuel considerations to audiences both lay and technical.


Undisclosed Company

Researcher                                                  2020-Present

· Planned and executed experiments to study diesel combustion, carbon footprint, and emissions of fuels, especially in heavy-duty applications. Led project to assess suitability of heavy alcohols as low-carbon diesel blendstock (patent and EPA waiver pending). Delivered actionable results to Fortune 50 sponsor, Department of Energy

· Designed dynamometer test cells, set schedules, defined responsibilities, ensured compliance with ASTM standards, and communicated results in both concise and detailed technical formats

Clearflame Engines, Inc., Columbus, Indiana,

R&D Engineer                                                              2023

· Developed heavy-duty diesel engine running on pure ethanol

· Designed efficient heat flow model for estimating cylinder temperatures and informing methanol combustion

· Modified fuel injection strategy to promote stable combustion at cold conditions, resulting in reduction in feasible cold start temperature by almost 40°F

Booz Allen Hamilton, Inc., Washington, D.C., Engineering Consultant                                   2019-2020

· Developed data collection strategies to inform preventative maintenance of US Air Force assets

· Prepared and delivered presentations conveying technical information to non-technical audiences

Honors & Publications

Publications & Patents

  • 2 Publications 
  • 1 Patent


Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

M.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame

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