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Chemical & Biochemical Engineering & Assessment Industry (IP, New Technologies, Theraputicals, Fragrances) Expert

Technical Consultant #2511


Over 25 years of professional activity in teaching and research in the area of chemical/biochemical engineering.  

Over 25 years of professional activity as independent consultant and technical expert in the areas of chemical/biochemical engineering, and mechanical/environmental engineering. Expertise in upstream and downstream processing of industrially relevant bioproducts, therapeuticals, food additives, flavors, and fragrances.  

  • Interdisciplinary preliminary design.
  • Technical evaluations of new process technologies.
  • Expertise with manufacturing related process equipment.
  • Evaluation of intellectual property.
  • Process chromatography. 
  • Novel purification technologies.
  • Product diversification strategies.
  • Assessment of worldwide markets and market entry criteria.
  • Expert interviews.
  • Independent preparation of reports and expert assessments.


Technical University (Germany), Present 

Tenured Senior Scientist and Research Group Leader

  • Research group leader process integration and downstream processing. 
  • Long-standing provision of graduate courses in chemical/biochemical engineering. 
  • Design and preparation of research proposals.
  • Execution of long-term research projects. 
  • Instruction of graduate students regarding their doctoral and master theses. 
  • Preparation of scientific publications.
  • Presentation of contributions on national and international scientific conferences and workshops.   

National and International Independent Consultant, 2017 - Present 

  • Evaluation of new technologies to reduce downstream processing costs during manufacturing of  high-value therapeutic bioproducts (monoclonal antibodies). 

Undisclosed Law firm, 2017

  • Consultancy as technical expert downstream processing with international focus on life sciences, located in London, United Kingdom.
  • Assessment of a new flavour production process for a large European flavour and fragrances manufacturer in terms of the claim scopes of patents owned by a competitor. 
  • Evaluation of the benefits of a large-scale chromatography process step. 

 International Pharmaceutical Company, Germany, 2015 - 2016 

  • Independent consultant 
  • Evaluation of new technologies to reduce downstream processing costs during manufacturing of  high-value therapeutic bioproducts (monoclonal antibodies). 

Confidential Environmental Engineering Companies, Germany, 2013 - 2014 

  • Consultancy as technical expert industrial waste gas treatment
  • Evaluation of state-of-the-art processes 
  • Design of biological waste gas treatment processes.   

Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, Consultant, 2008 - 2012 

  • Evaluation of new technologies to reduce downstream processing costs during manufacturing of high-value therapeutic bioproducts (monoclonal antibodies).
  • Assessment of IP regarding novel protein purification technologies.  

DSM Nutritional Products AG, Kaiseraugst, Switzerland, Consultant, 2010 

  • Assessment of technical improvement strategies of Vitamin C production considering competition from Far East.  

Belleli Energy CPE, Mantova, Italy, Consultant, 2005 - 2006 

  • Strategic management support of a large international order of catalytic tubular reactors for a GTL plant.  

MAN Energy Solution SE, Deggendorf, Germany, Advisory Board Member – Consultant, 1999 - 2010 

  • Support of worldwide sales of tubular chemical reactors.
  • Consultancy regarding worldwide market and market entry criteria of new product lines taking into account the company´s core competence.
  • Evaluation of the worldwide technology and market of heavy wall chemical reactors.

 Technomar GmbH, Munich, Germany, Consultant, 1992 - 1998 

  • Participation in several projects regarding the evaluation of new product lines, assessment of worldwide market, market entry criteria, etc. in the areas of chemical/biochemical engineering and mechanical/environmental engineering. 

Honors & Publications


  • Habilitation and obtainment of the venia legendi in the field of Bioreaction Engineering. Appointment as Privatdozent (tenured senior lecturer) at Technical University of Munich, Germany.


  • German (native) 
  • English (business fluent) 

Academic and Professional Affiliations

  • Technical University of Munich
  • DECHEMA Gesellschaft für Chemische Technik und Biotechnologie e.V. 

Publications and Patents 

  • Author and Co-Author of numerous peer reviewed scientific papers and conference contributor with subjects in upstream and downstream bioprocessing.
  • Method for purification of therapeutic recombinant proteins (International Patent).



  • Ph.D. Biochemical Engineering, (Summa Cum Laude) Technical University of Munich, Germany
  • M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, Germany 
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