Refining Metallurgical and Corrosion Engineering Expert
Technical Consultant #2127
- Over 30 years of metallurgical and corrosion engineering experience in the petroleum refining industry.
- Developed new standards and applied technology such as risk-based inspection (API 581) and Fitness for Service evaluation (API 579).
- Damage mechanisms, sulfidation, wet H2S cracking, creep, HTHA, fire assessment.
- IOWs and CCDs, corrosion reviews, and fitness-for-service )FFS_ assessment.
- Failure analysis, fire damage assessments.
Undisclosed Company, Metallurigical-Corrsion Inspection Expert, Present
- Active in writing API standards and NACE standards for over twenty years.
- Metallurgical Engineer at Exxon Research and Exxon Engineering in refining, including assignments at Baytown and Bayway refineries.
- Provided central engineering advice and applied research and development for refining damage mechanisms.
- Helped support BP's worldwide refineries and actively involved in industry groups to develop industry standards.
- Extensive consulting experience specializing in refining materials and corrosion issues.
- Assisted M&M Engineering (Hartford Steam and Boiler) combined with Structural Integrity consulting.
- Provided consulting services to Equity Engineering Group for refining and petrochemical industry focusing on materials corrosion issues and RBI (Risk-Based Inspection) and FFS as Cofounder and Vice President.
Honors & Publications
- Registered P.E. Ohio
Academic and Professional Affiliations
- Active in developing several API and NACE standards.
- Charter member of the API/ASME 579 committee and is currently task group chairman for Part 7 (hydrogen blistering/HIC/SOHIC), and is a member of Part 11 fire damage, and Part 10 creep damage and Part 3 Brittle Fracture.
- Taught the API 579 course for 10 years.
- Past chairman of the API 571 Damage task group and has taught the API 571 course for 8 years.
- Member of the API 581 API RBI API 584 IOW, and API 941 HTHA committees.
- Original author of API 939-C Sulfidation and is now Vice Chair of that committee revising API 939-C. Chairman of the API 945 Amine SCC committee.
- Vice chairmanship of API 970 CCDs.
- Vice chair of the NACE SP02-96 committee on wet H2S cracking for the past two updates and is vice chair of NACE TG 176 Sulfidation in hydroprocessing units.
- Organized workshops for API and NACE on HTHA, Cr-Mo cracking, Sulfidation, and wet H2S Cracking
- Over 30 industry publications
- M.S. Metallurgical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA
- B.S. Metallurgical Engineering Carnegie Mellon University; Pittsburgh, PA